Adding “No” to Your Holiday Vocabulary
December 25, 2019

Adding “No” to Your Holiday Vocabulary

While the holidays can bring joy, they can also bring stress. Financial stress – Can I afford to buy all these gifts? Emotional stress – I wish I didn’t have to go to all of these get-togethers. Physical stress – I can’t believe I ate all of those cookies! There is a lot of information [...]

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Who’s in Charge? You or your Smartphone?
October 24, 2019

Who’s in Charge? You or your Smartphone?

We love our tech devices, and why not? They provide the ability to stay in touch with family and friends, work remotely, read emails, listen to podcasts, check social media, Twitter, or Snapchat, make purchases, Google information, take pictures – all good things… to a point. Recently I’ve noticed an abundance of articles and research […]

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Three Ways Patients Can Help Alleviate Physician Burnout
October 18, 2019

Three Ways Patients Can Help Alleviate Physician Burnout

By Debra J. Stevens   The profession responsible for treating the ills of others is facing an epidemic of its own – physician burnout. A startling 44% of surveyed healthcare providers described themselves as burned out in the Medscape 2019 National Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide Report. The report defines burnout as “long-term, unresolvable job […]

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What, How, WHEN… Wellness in the Workplace
September 16, 2019

What, How, WHEN… Wellness in the Workplace

I recently attended a panel discussion about Wellness in the Workplace facilitated by Founder and Chief WHEN Officer, Randy Miller. The conversation was dynamic, engaging – and also surprising to me that after 25+ years as an industry professional, there is still ambiguity around what wellness means. Panelists at the event, sponsored by AZ BizLink, […]

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WHEN  do I have time to exercise?
September 11, 2019

WHEN do I have time to exercise?

As a physician, I explain that exercise is practically a panacea (cures everything). Because our bodies evolved and are made to move, exercise or movement does “cure” most of what ails us. There is not a ‘why’ question here as it’s just good for you! For myself, I’ve always been an occasional exerciser. I started […]

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If Not Now, WHEN?
September 3, 2019

If Not Now, WHEN?

If not now, WHEN? Such a simple phrase, but how powerful! This statement, originally credited to Hillel the Elder, prompts us to take immediate action on important matters at hand. Most of us have goals and aspirations. Many people would agree that they would feel better if they ate more healthfully, started exercising, stopped smoking […]

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