Taking Time for Me
August 19, 2019

Taking Time for Me

It took me 35 years to figure this out. I’m an avid traveler and I’ve heard it a thousand times, secure your own oxygen mask before helping others. Why? Because if you don’t take care of yourself first, you have nothing to give to others. But merely hearing about this concept was not enough for […]

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Survival of the Fittest
August 17, 2019

Survival of the Fittest

According to Payscale, a leading compensation platform, on average, people will spend approximately 13 years and two months of their lives at work. That means that employers have a lot of time to influence employee behavior, shape the way employees think and what they believe is possible and genuinely impact their lives and the lives […]

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You as a “Whole Person”- a Conscious Individual and Leader
August 12, 2019

You as a “Whole Person”- a Conscious Individual and Leader

Can you recall a family member, friend or co-worker in whose presence you naturally feel calm and peaceful? Recognizing ‘when’ you are in balance, or whole, is key to a happy, successful, fulfilled life and career. Sometimes your mind and body don’t work together for the results you want. For example, your body’s ailments can […]

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May 17, 2019


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find myself wondering where the time goes.  I am busier than ever this year, and I wonder what I might do to give myself a breather now and then. In our busy, non-stop lives, where we work, raise families, maintain social relationships, worry about having enough economic […]

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A Women’s Heart  – Supporting and maintaining good heart health!
May 1, 2019

A Women’s Heart – Supporting and maintaining good heart health!

Heart disease is the number 1 killer of women.  It isn’t breast cancer and it happens at all ages.   Women experience symptoms of coronary heart disease that are different than the classic left arm, squeezing, painful, ‘elephant sitting on your chest’ feeling. Some women have no symptoms at all.  When there are symptoms, they […]

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What You Probably Don’t Know About Vitamin D
March 9, 2019

What You Probably Don’t Know About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, but a hormone that regulates calcium levels in your body. It is absorbed by the liver and kidneys and converted into its active form, calcitrol. Many people are low in Vitamin D because we don’t get enough sun light before 10 am and/or do not take adequate supplementation. [...]

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